Tuesday, March 2, 2010

TPC Parade of Recipes recap

Well it is official I am a Consultant, why now? Well I have 2 meetings and have closed my first show! It was a catalog show so that is not as fabulous as it could be but a show is a show is a show! I have made progress in the organizational aspect of keeping all my stuff together, and no longer have to hunt and rearrange every time I need something.

Last night was Parade of Recipes, which is a basically a huge pot luck of all the new TPC recipes, it was all very yummy! We had the Bacon Linguine toss, and 3 different types of desserts including the Kiwi Lime dessert cups which were oh so good! I will have to make every thing that we had last night because they were to yummy!

i also got my first little achievement, it is interesting since I do sales by day and then TPC weekends and evenings that this little piece of paper printed like Monopoly money is a great incentive but it is.

Today I get my sewing machine! So excited about that, I have an antique one that I cannot use but as it was my grandmothers it is not going anywhere, plus I get the material today for a friends baby blanket so I have two to work on this week, and hope to get them both done by Sunday.

Well I am off to finish getting ready for the day job and putting out fires and such!

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