It finally hit me- this is my baby's last year of Elementary School and Blake is going to be in High School next year - Holy crap!
This year has been a revelation for us with school- First of all Elijah's teachers have finally realized that he is BORED! Yes he is that is why he acts up and is loud etc, so instead of getting himself into trouble he landed in the PACE program, which is our Gifted and Talented. How he managed this I don't know- he didn't get it from me and if he got it from the dark side I am impressed. The biggest problem we have had is keeping him from reading during other classes- that is such an improvement! and He loves his art teacher! She is amazing and really channels his energy in that class and thinks the world of him! With all of that said I have an incredible connection with his teachers and I am really going to miss them next year when his teachers only have him for an 1 hr and then he goes to someone else- I worry it is so easy to get lost in the shuffle.
Blake has had his struggles this year most of it is being a 15 yr old boy, that is too be expected, but he seems to honestly be getting it now. Next year will be a challenge for him as it will be a new school and new friends and learning his teachers all over again but I am confident that he will pull it off. He is still active in choir and art and will be working on his pin-striping this summer with the kit Dad got him for his birthday.
So... we are going to be busy this summer, first the move to the new house, then Blake will be working most of the summer for his Aunt and for his grandfather, Elijah will be going to a friends house so that he is kept busy and not eating Cheetos playing x box all summer, and then we gear up for next year...