Well it has been a busy week here, new recipe every night and the boys and the man have loved most of them. Most of the items we have been trying are out of the Weekday Dinners DONE set of recipe cards and are start to finish in 30 minutes.
Day work is crazy as ever and there is still not much happening in the political part of it. Bummer... But that is the way it goes. Happy to be employed I would go nuts if I wasn't.
TPC business is up and running nicely have about 10 shows booked right now lots of interest. My fan page is up to 47 fans which is so awesome!
As usual we have no kids and that is pretty cool but I do miss them. But taking advantage of it before Baseball starts up for E. For the first time this school year both kids are passing all classes, and if E keeps it up he gets cable back in his room. The bedroom doors are also going back on this weekend as I think they have both learned when not to push!
As for the furry children they are rotten as ever- the boys are still picking on Belle and get hosed down with the water bottle about 4 times per day. Sigh....
Our new dryer is being delivered today, gave the old one to a couple that didn't' have one and had two kids, it worked I was just ready for a newer one. I remember being in that position and it was hard, hoping that they get lots of use out of it.
So now we are off and running some more, today I have gone and picked up AF, to the bank, Starbucks, bought the gift card for my CPA, got Shawn donuts and caffeine, cleaned out my trunk. Now we are off to swap vehicles with my mom and go pick up a table and chairs that I found on Craig's List for my best friend because hers is falling apart. Then back here to meet the guys with the dryer and then I get to start in on laundry. Somewhere in between this I am going to go vacuum my car and enjoy the sunshine! Love yall have a great day!
girl...i got tired just reading this....