At work (which truly is a 4 letter word) we learned today that if you are the lowest on the totem pole and your boss is ambivalent you must take an hour and half lunch to recover, and that a Frosty from Wendy's will help most things. I also learned that if your reps and your customers still love you it is worth it at times. At times :)
All in all I was excited to get home today and reconnect with my kids and my honey and see what was what and how their days went. So far so good- it seems E had his Valentines party today since they were out of school on Friday (and yes I refuse to call them Friendship parties) and even though I dislike Valentines' day for the commercialization on it we participated and sent what was requested-it is also his last one as he is going to Middle school next year. As usual I got a non committal response from B so I am going to assume nothing earth shattering happened today. Shawn just got home so we will talk and discuss our days and then go downstairs for dinner- Beef Stroganoff today with Broccoli and something else that i haven't quite figured out yet.
On a side note I got my last goodies that I ordered from a girlfriend's TPC show in January and of course Jazz was overjoyed he got a bag!

And E brought me flowers too!

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