I am by no means the authority on divorce, and actually don't recommend it; even though I am currently divorced. I love listening to the people who like to talk about kids coming from broken homes. My home was broken, I fixed it. That simple. YES! there are serious side effects we know this. Every decision that is made there is an equal and opposite reaction. We know this. Not a news flash.
In class tonight we had to create thesis statements and a group had one for divorce; and everyone of their topic sentences was how horrid divorce was and how hard it was. How the kids are going to be all warped and go out and become mass murderers and drug addicts, etc. Not so. Life is what you get out of it.
Yeah divorce sucks, at times single parenting sucks. The times that I have found it really bites? When my kids do something so awesome, and so great and I can't turn to their dad and say "did you see that? " Believe me no one sets out to be a single parent. It happens. Occasionally someone will come along and be terrific enough to become part of the family and to help with things, the good and the bad. Not always but sometimes.
This class tonight made me realize a few things
a) Japan has a 2% divorce rate, that is incredible.
b) Americans have a 50% divorce rate
Are the Japanese on to something? or is divorce just to easy in America? Like I said I don't recommend it. It hurts it is expensive and will leave emotional scars on kids and adults alike. Family members are effected. It doesn't just happen to you and to your immediate family, friends are effected and are sometimes included in the marital assets.
I know several women who will read this and realize that they are my inspiration and when I get whiny and bitchy and don't want to do it anymore! Because it is just to freaking tough and I don't want to be a grown up anymore! I want to be the footloose and fancy free one. Us moms are are the ones that get all of it, and today that is enough!